One Guitar Course

Learn the simple systems for mastering your favorite music. FAST!

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Are you “at a plateau” or “in a guitar rut?”

Do you feel like you can’t get to the next level?

Or do you get overwhelmed by online guitar lessons?  


If one or more of these statements describe you, it’s not your fault. For every 1 great online lesson, there are 20 that only confuse and complicate. The good news:

1) you can become shockingly good at guitar.

2) it can happen fast.

3) you don’t need most of the information you find online. 


How do I know?

Well, I learned the hard way. In my first 17 years with guitar, I tried all the books, online courses, 4 university degrees, and hundreds of private lessons, but nothing got me the skills we crave. But then I studied the greats, identified the KEY INFORMATION, created SIMPLE SYSTEMS, and got massively better. One example is the Mastery Sequencebut before we get to that, tell me if you can relate to this. I call it the WHWF cycle:


Why We Struggle: The WHWF Cycle

So you’re a busy person with a lot of guitar goals. You find time almost every day to pick up your guitar. But after a day, week, or month of practicing you reflect and think:

-What do I do with this info now?

-How does this fit into my playing?

-Why do I feel like this hasn’t made me better?

-Frustration: F*** I think I wasted my time.

So you find something else online, practice it for another week, and repeat the WHWF cycle.

This isn’t your fault. Some of us have spent decades in the cycle, but I want to make sure this never happens to you again. No more ruts, plateaus, or confusion about learning guitar. It really can be simple, fun, and fast.


3.5 Issues With Other Lessons

The WHWF cycle is a symptom of the 3.5 primary issues with guitar instruction today:

1) Great guitar players are not always great teachers.

2) Many guitarists teach fancy ideas and licks that don’t actually make you better.

3) Great instructors often teach information that takes way too long to master.

3.5) It costs a lot! You have to buy a bunch of disjointed lessons or get a monthly subscription.

You of course want to learn the KEY INFORMATION as efficiently as possible. The best way to do so is through SIMPLE SYSTEMS. Most importantly, you should not be confused about your guitar path.



If you’ve ever enjoyed one of my YouTube gear videos or lessons, you probably resonate with me because I'm a "teacher first." Most guitarists are musicians first, performers second, and teachers third.

Throughout my undergraduate Degree, 2 Master’s Degrees and Ph.D. I’ve had the opportunity to refine teaching music as my primary goal. Teaching private lessons, teaching online, and teaching in universities. 

You will learn the KEY INFORMATION through SIMPLE SYSTEMS. No 101 licks or 75 arpeggios non sense


I want to improve FAST!

How to Really Get Better FAST


The key to fast progress is understanding A) what to practice and B) how to practice

 Before we continue, let me address a concern that probably just came up. "What to practice and how to practice? That is too simple!” Simple does not mean ineffective. In fact, the most magical results in life often come from the correct use of the most basic principles. All great artists build on simplicity, while those who struggle often skip fundamentals. Take advantage of my 20 years of mistakes! 

What to Practice:  KEY INFORMATION

We guitar players only need to focus on 3 things: 1) Technique, 2) Mental Models, and 3) language.

  1. Technique: the way we play. Picking, muting, motion, and so on.
  2.  Mental models: Most people call this “music theory,” but most music theory is a waste of time. Instead, we focus on key information and simple mental models for understanding music. All of this can fit on a single sheet of paper, and it’s easy to understand if taught properly.
  3.  Language: Music has a lot of different languages. There’s the language of blues, Neo-classical shred, Indian slide guitar, and so on. Once we pick a style of music, we must learn its real language (usually, this IS NOT found on the "25 modern licks" YouTube video).

B) How to Practice:  SIMPLE SYSTEMS

Here is a simple truth: Proper practice continued for the right amount of time leads to improvement. Nothing else. While we practice we should be developing systems: organized frameworks and methods. The simpler the system, the more memorable, repeatable, and effective it becomes. 

We naturally develop some systems early in our playing, which is how certain chords, pentatonic scales, and/or licks become second nature. However, developing systems becomes much more difficult as we learn more "complicated" music. In other words, that "plateau" you reached is just a sign that you need new systems to progress further. The secret is that with the right guidance, even the most advanced ideas can feel as simple as our earliest lessons.  

When you mix what to practice: KEY INFORMATION with how to practice: SIMPLE SYSTEMS you get rapid progress. 

Notice I didn’t say we need 5 hours a day or 101 licks!

Science has repeatedly shown that short, consistent sessions work best for developing new skills. So YES you can get a lot better with 20 minutes a day if you practice the KEY INFORMATION using SIMPLE SYSTEM

I Want To Improve FAST!

What's Included

All courses come with detailed Tabs, notation, and Guitar Pro files. 

Here's What's Coming in 2024!

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